April Showers bring May flowers, but it also brings standardized testing! April is a busy month at GHS with different assessments going on. These tests are given to students throughout the state and country. Please make sure that your child has headphones each day for testing.
For students taking the PSAT and SAT test: You can log into your College Board account (https://www.collegeboard.org/) and complete practice assessments. Once your PSAT 9 or PSAT 10 results come out, you can tailor your practice to your test to maximize your practice for the SAT in your junior year. See Mrs. Norway or Mrs. Conner if you need help with this. It is never to early to start planning ahead!
April 10-12- 7th and 8th grade Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
April 16-18th is the 8th grade Illinois Science Assessment (IAR).
April 18- PSAT 9th Grade
April 18- PSAT 10th Grade
April 23- SAT Test- Juniors